女人似水。在重庆这座素以豪爽阳刚闻名的城市中,女人们似乎受到了这座城市独特性格的影响, 他们不像江南女子般多情,不像成都女人般娇嗔,也不像北方女人那般粗旷豪迈。他们美丽、善良、独立,睿智, 果敢,百折不饶,而这一切尤其是在重庆众多餐饮企业中体现得更加明显。从餐饮帝国小天鹅,到振兴特色川菜的陶然居;从新派火锅的典范人物秦妈到而今的口碑大师苏大姐……他们哪一个不是构成这座麻辣城市餐饮繁荣的中间力量? 在他们之中,有人仅仅是从几张街边旧桌椅起家,有人则是下岗工人再就业。创业的艰辛磨砺了他们,人生的阅历改变了他们,对餐饮事业执着的追求成就了他们……在第96个三八节到来之际,《今日重庆》杂志餐饮工作室向她们致以最真挚的节日问候,倾听她们藏在内心深处鲜为人知的故事……
Woman like water. In Chongqing, a city famous for its bold masculinity, women seem to be influenced by the unique character of the city. They are not as passionate as Jiangnan women, are not like the Chengdu women, nor are they as rugged as the northern women Heroic. They are beautiful, kind, independent, wise and courageous. They are all the more evident in many catering enterprises in Chongqing. From the dining of the Little Swan Empire to the rejuvenation of Sichuan cuisine Taoran Habitat; from the new model of the hot pot Qin Ma to now the reputation of the master Sister Sister ... ... Which of them is not constitute the spicy city catering prosperity in the middle of the power? Among them Some people just started from a few old tables and chairs in the street, while others laid-off workers are re-employed. Entrepreneurial hardships sharpened them, life experience changed them, the persistent pursuit of the restaurant business achievements of them ... ... the first 96th March 8 festival, “Today Chongqing” magazine catering studio to their most sincere Holiday greetings and listen to the little-known stories hidden in their hearts ...