中国有丰富的大麻资源.目前,在我国对于大麻的研究多集中在形态和化学成分等方面,而分子遗传水平的研究至今尚未见报道.RAPD分子标记技术是适合于大麻分子水平研究的首选方法.本文以采集多年的大麻植物干标本的叶为研究材料,分别对Mg2+,dNTPs,Taq DNA酶的浓度,和退火温度和退火时间以及反应循环数等条件进行了检测,得到了适合大麻RAPD研究的理想条件.实验结果表明,用干标本来进行一定的分子遗传研究是可行的,且结果也相对稳定.“,”China has a great resource of Cannabis. Research on the taxonomy and morphology of Chinese Cannabis has been carried out, but so far no molecular genetic research has been published. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) is a suitable technique for molecular genetic research on Cannabis. In this experiment,using Cannabis herbarium specimens as a source of genetic materials, the correlative conditions of the Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), (i.e., gradient density of Mg2+, dNTPs, Taq DNA polymerase, anneal temperature, anneal time and reaction cycles) were examined separately. An effective procedure for the RAPD analysis of Cannabis was obtained.