Handicraft in the perspective of commercialization

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  Author: Tao Qifeng Company:Tianjin University of Science and Technology location: Binhai New District Tianjin Post encoding: 300457 Document classification:No. J528 document code:A
  Abstract: with the development and changes of the commodity economy, China traditional crafts exhibit such destructive development, national characteristics, problems such as loss of alienation in the process of development, these problems have hindered the inheritance and development of traditional crafts. This paper takes Tianjin “clay figurine Zhang” as an example, research and analyze the start process status from the commercial perspective and its problems, learn from foreign advanced experience, on the basis of inheritance, to keep the craft characteristics, innovation and development, is the future of traditional arts and crafts.
  Key words: handicraft commercialization innovation development inheritance
  One,Concept of Handicraft
  The word "handicraft" is an imported word and it was introduced into China in the early 20th Century. In the Crystal Palace exposition, once very pompous and ugly mass producing industrial products had been exhibited. Therefore, the artists have launched "the Arts and Crafts Movement" to revitalize the handmade art, so as to enhance the aesthetic characteristics of Arts and crafts, and show their disgust to the mechanical reproduction. For example, the firm which was established by William Morris and Marshall and Faulkner was an organ where artists design products by themselves, organize production and oppose mechanized mass production". Under its influence, the design guild organizations such as Maurice began to appear in Britain and other places.
  Handicraft is no longer a way of hand making; it represents a cultural form and consciousness, and has a distinctive historicity. Such as Tianjin clay figurines Zhang, which mainly made by handmade manufacturing, need multi processes. And customers who rely on modern machines for replicating production require stiff machine production and replication, and all the goods were ordered, lacking humanity.
  Two, present situation of handicraft development in commodity society
  Hand making productions and commercialization is an obvious contradiction, commercialization will continue to dispel the humanity of these hand makers in the history of social development. The country has gradually realized the indispensable role of the intangible cultural heritage, and began to save and maintain a series of intangible cultural heritage. For example, in 2006 the clay figurine Zhang was set as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage protection project. These protections will have a positive effect on the progress of the opponent's craft creation.   Three,Tianjin Clay Figurine Zhang as an example
  The general situation of clay figurine Zhang before the establishment of new China
  Two important features of clay figurine Zhang in early period are "moulding" and "painting", the theme is mainly for pray and auspicious, it is the "original" handicraft. For example, Zhang Mingshan, a folk artist, was engaged in clay sculpture with his father since he was young, and he developed a special skill. When he made sculpture for people, he just sat and talked with them quietly, with mud in his hand, finishing in a moment. And he could hide the mud in the sleeve, quietly making sculpture, and finished with a vivid work. There is a highly speaking of clay figurine Zhang that “just like hearing one’s voice, seeing his appearance, facing with the person, vivid in both figure and spirit”.
  The general situation of clay figurine Zhang before the establishment of new China
  After the liberation, the development of the clay figurine Zhang art showed great changes with the change of the time. The clay figurine Zhang is a typical traditional handicraft; there are hitherto unknown variables in terms of inheritance, market and artistic style. Due to the change of the “public-private system”, clay figurine Zhang painted sculpture art started on the “copy” road. For example, the "fifth generations" - Zhang Naiying copied Zhang Yuting's work "Eight Immortals". In addition, a large number of clay figurines made by students are to cater the commercial demand, and they are small copy masterpiece. Process standards are uneven, the theme of which are common manufacturing such as fortune or health.
  The influence of commercialization for handicraft "clay figurine Zhang"
  After the Reform and Open, the commodity market has been flourishing and the economic value of commodities has evolved into a code of conduct for many things. At the same time, there are also opportunities and problems for traditional brand, as well as clay figurine Zhang, such as the brand belonging problem of clay figurine Zhang. Handicraft production process has its unique artistic style and form, with no commercial meaning. On the market there are many tourist products and souvenirs which are not belong to the clay figurine Zhang, and even some large-scale handmade works name itself "clay figurine Zhang" works, but they are inferior goods in fact. The artistic standards of hand making have also been greatly reduced. The artistic features created by hand are close to reality, the craftsmanship is tedious, and the skill level is excellent. The present situation is not optimistic, but the people who live by hand and have excellent standards are very few. Besides the lack of successors, young people are not interested in it. Because of the diversification of lifestyle, there are few people willing to inherit it.   Four,Solutions or suggestions
  Inheriting and developing fine traditional handicrafts;
  Now, people's aesthetic has begun to return to the product itself, and pay more attention to the natural state of the product. Therefore, the handicraft product manufacture can use its superiority to put out the solving method for the present question. First, expanding the merits of traditional handicrafts, and to equip certain competitiveness compared with commercial replication production. Where commercialization is less than handicraft lies in that the latter can enhance the artistry and individuality of its creation, mainly for high-level markets; second, the market demand can also be created according to people's needs. For example, customers can join in the creation process of some traditional handicrafts, which will attract more customers and increase the individuality of their works.
  Learning from other countries
  Under the condition of economic globalization, it is a common situation that each country's traditional arts exchange and invade each other. The traditional handicraft protection experience of Japan and South Korea to is very worthy of our reference and learning. We should bring maintenance up to the legal level and provide the basic material base for those who live in crafts to cultivate the inheritors of these excellent handicrafts, so as to better form the protection of our traditional handicrafts.
  Inheritance and development, maintaining its own characteristics and attributes
  The inheritance and development of traditional handicrafts must be promoted in a multi-dimensional way, which requires our country, society, artists and other aspects to participate. The government plays a leading role, and society plays a supporting role. This craftsman should do more excellence in the professional level, and teach the inheritors in detail to make the craft hand down. The other apartments should carry out their duties and actively promote the development of arts and crafts.
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