虽然传出性心脏交感神经活动增强被认为是室性心律失常和猝死的重要因素,但仍缺乏直接的临床依据。方法作者以12例入院前4至48天自发持续性室速或室颤后恢复的病人为对象,测定全身和心脏的去甲肾上腺素(NE)溢出进入血浆的比率,它们分别反映全身和心脏的交感神经活动。其结果与三个年龄相当而无室性心律失常病史的参照组作了比较:12例冠心病,6例胸痛但冠脉正常,12例健康人。结果室性心律失常组、冠心病组和胸痛组的左室射血分数分别为 46±3%、58±
Although increased sympathetic activity of the outgoing heart is considered an important factor in ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death, there is a lack of direct clinical evidence. Methods The authors measured the ratio of systemic and cardiac norepinephrine (NE) spills into plasma in 12 patients with spontaneous sustained VT or ventricular fibrillation 4 to 48 days prior to admission, which reflect systemic and cardiac Sympathetic activity. The results were compared with the three age-matched reference groups without a history of ventricular arrhythmias: 12 coronary heart disease, 6 chest pain but normal coronary artery, and 12 healthy controls. Results The ventricular ejection fraction of ventricular arrhythmia group, coronary heart disease group and chest pain group were 46 ± 3%, 58 ±