尿素是一种高浓度优质化学氮肥,可作基肥、追肥和叶面施。为了充分发挥尿素的肥效,使用时应做到“五忌”。 忌表土撒施 尿素是一种低分子有机化合物,撒施到土壤表面上,就会分解转成为挥发性极强的碳酸铵,这个过程叫做尿素的氨化过程,在常温下经4天~5天的时间,大部分尿素就被氨化挥发掉,剩下不足30%。只有开沟开穴深施覆土再浇少量水湿润,才能减少尿素挥发损失。
Urea is a high concentration of high-quality chemical nitrogen fertilizer, can be used as a base fertilizer, top dressing and foliar application. In order to give full play to the urea fertilizer, use should be “five bogey.” Surface soil avoid boast urea is a low molecular weight organic compounds, spread to the soil surface, it will decompose into volatile highly ammonium carbonate, this process is called the ammoniation of urea at room temperature by 4 days to 5 Days of time, most of the urea is ammoniated volatile, leaving less than 30%. Only deep-trench ditching and then pouring a small amount of soil water moist, in order to reduce the loss of urea volatilization.