兰州百合是我省独具特色的资源优势,是中国名特产蔬菜中姣姣者。在国内栽培的三大食用百合品种中(兰州百合、龙牙百合、宜兴百合)其产品器官以肥大的鳞茎、丰富的营养,色、香、味、形俱佳而闻名遐迩。 百合系多年生长作物,在大田中一般需3年的精心栽培,成品百合才能长成
Lanzhou Lily is a unique resource advantages of our province, is China’s famous vegetables in the Jiao Jiao who. Among the three varieties of lily cultivated in China (Lanzhou lily, Aralia lily, Yixing lily), their products are well-known for their bulky bulbs, rich nutrition, color, smell, taste and shape. Lily perennial crops, in the field generally takes three years of careful cultivation, finished lily to grow