From MAFLD to hepatocellular carcinoma and everything in between

来源 :中华医学杂志英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingtian2060
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Metabolic (dysfunction) associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD), previously known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is the most common cause of chronic liver disease worldwide. Many risk factors contribute to the pathogenesis of MAFLD with metabolic dysregulation being the final arbiter of its development and progression. MAFLD poses a substantial economic burden to societies, which based on current trends is expected to increase over time. Numerous studies have addressed various aspects of MAFLD from its risk associations to its economic and social burden and clinical diagnosis and management, as well as the molecular mechanisms linking MAFLD to end-stage liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. This review summarizes current understanding of the pathogenesis of MAFLD and related diseases, particularly liver cancer. Potential therapeutic agents for MAFLD and diagnostic biomarkers are discussed.“,”Metabolic (dysfunction) associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD), previously known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is the most common cause of chronic liver disease worldwide. Many risk factors contribute to the pathogenesis of MAFLD with metabolic dysregulation being the final arbiter of its development and progression. MAFLD poses a substantial economic burden to societies, which based on current trends is expected to increase over time. Numerous studies have addressed various aspects of MAFLD from its risk associations to its economic and social burden and clinical diagnosis and management, as well as the molecular mechanisms linking MAFLD to end-stage liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. This review summarizes current understanding of the pathogenesis of MAFLD and related diseases, particularly liver cancer. Potential therapeutic agents for MAFLD and diagnostic biomarkers are discussed.
目的 研究健康教育对他汀类药物服用持续性的影响,以及他汀类药物服用持续性对大动脉粥样硬化性缺血性卒中患者复发的影响.方法 本研究患者源于2013年7月-2015年6月的前瞻性队列研究——缺血性脑血管病患者二级预防、康复技术的综合疾病管理模式的推广研究.该研究采用随机数字表法将入组医院以4:1分为健康教育组(北京24所医院)和对照组(北京6所医院).健康教育组采用在住院期间为患者举办健康教育会并发放健康教育手册、在出院后为患者发送健康教育短信的干预措施;对照组则无上述干预措施.连续纳入该队列研究中出院时服用
1 病例介绍rn患者女性,19岁,大学在校学生,未婚.主诉“左侧肢体麻木无力19天”于2020年11月10日入院.患者于入院19?d前中午坐位看手机时突然出现左下肢麻木,站起活动左下肢时发觉左侧肢体无力、站立不稳,被同学扶持未摔倒,不能行走,并感左上肢无力.无头晕、头痛、视物模糊,无言语不清、饮水呛咳.发病1?h到达学校附近医院就诊,评估NIHSS 6分,急查头颅CT未见异常(图1A),进一步行头颅MRI检查, DWI序列显示右侧基底节区急性梗死(图1B),即给予阿替普酶静脉溶栓治疗,首剂量4.6?m g
越来越多的证据表明,通过实施以危险因素为靶点的预防计划可降低痴呆的发病率.为了加快这项预防计划的实施,我们提出了新一代脑健康服务(brain health services,BHSs)的设想,其中包括风险评估、风险沟通、风险降低和认知改善.风险沟通的目的是使处于风险中的个体能够做出正确的决定并且采取行动保护自己,是个体化降低痴呆发病风险策略的关键步骤.同时,痴呆风险的沟通也是复杂和具有挑战性的.本文将从以下方面阐述关于风险沟通的系列观点:①从伦理、临床和社会的角度,进行痴呆风险沟通的展望;②记忆门诊提供的
以下临床实践推荐基于推荐、评估、发展和评价等级(grades of recommendation, assessment,development,and evaluation, GRADE)对证据进行的系统回顾和评估.表 1总结了推荐强度对指南使用者的意义.本文提供注解以指导临床医师实施这些推荐.根据当前程序术语(current procedural terminology,CPT)编码要求,推荐的睡眠体动记录仪记录持续时间至少为72?h~14?d.
目的 探讨年度考核中应用客观结构化考核(objective structured clinical examination,OSCE)对提升脑血管病住院医师结业考核成绩的作用.方法 回顾性连续纳入2018-2021年首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院参加北京市住院医师规范化培训结业技能考核的脑血管病住院医师,收集其规范化培训第三年的年度考核成绩及结业考核成绩,按照第三年的年度考核成绩分为前1/3组、中1/3组和后1/3组,比较3组年度考核和结业考核成绩变化(结业考核成绩-第三年年度考核成绩)的差异,分析OSCE