艾菊(Tanacetum vulgare L.)的花序在苏联广泛用作驱虫剂、利胆剂和收敛剂(治胃液酸度降低而引起的腹泻)。艾菊中含挥发油、甙类、生物碱、鞣质、黄酮体、танадетин和水溶性多糖。艾菊中的多糖有明显的抗溃疡活性。作者研究了艾菊花序中多糖的含量动态、多糖的组成及单糖的含量。将花序加20倍水,于90~95°温浸1.5小时提出多糖。再置于600°的蒙烰炉中灼烧测定灰分。将1%多糖水溶液经离子交换去矿物质得到各发
Inflorescences of Tanacetum vulgare L. are widely used as insect repellents, gallbladders and astringents in the USSR (diarrhea caused by a reduction in gastric acidity). Tansy contains essential oils, glycosides, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, танадетин and water-soluble polysaccharides. Tansy polysaccharides have obvious anti-ulcer activity. The author studied the dynamic content of polysaccharides in the flowers, the composition of polysaccharides and the content of monosaccharide. The inflorescence plus 20 times the water at 90 ~ 95 ° temperature soak for 1.5 hours to make polysaccharides. Then placed in a 600 ° Menglai furnace burning determination of ash. The 1% polysaccharide aqueous solution by ion exchange demineralized hair