Human susceptibility to HIV-1, in addition to the virus itself and individual behavioral factors, the host genetic factors, that genetic variation plays an important role in some individuals not infected and long-term non-progress completely due to the host’s own genetic background Caused by, but not drugs.In the past 10 years, studies on genetic polymorphisms of hosts and HIV infection, progression of AIDS, anti-HIV drug treatment effect and toxicity have become hot spots in HIV research.The genetic factors of host are mainly Influences on the susceptibility to HIV and on the progression of AIDS are influenced by the process of infection by viruses that invade cells and the modification of the body’s immune response.These genetic variations mainly include the cytokine receptor and ligand system genes and HLA and antigen presenting system The former includes CCR5, CCR2, SDF1, IL10, RANTES, IFN-γ and CXCR6 etc. The latter includes HLA-B * 57, HLA-B * 27 and HLA-B * (CCR5 △ 32) completely protects the carrier from HIV infection, and the loss of heterozygosity can delay the progression of the disease after infection.CCR5 △ 32 is also good for antiviral treatment The research of the main genetic background not only can understand the process of natural HIV infection but also guide the prediction of the disease, the development of anti-HIV drugs, the formulation of therapeutic strategies and vaccine research.Currently, CD4 positive T cell count, HIV viral load, The rate of depletion of CD4-positive T cells and the clinical features of AIDS are the basis for clinical judgment of the condition, without considering the possible host factors.Recent studies have shown that the copy number of the HIV inhibitory factor CCL3L1 (MIP-1αP) -1 / AIDS, with fewer copies of CCL3L1 and more susceptible to HIV-1, with one more copy reducing the risk of HIV infection by 4.5% to 10.5%, making it possible to screen for CCL3L1 doses, Combined with other host genotyping such as CCR5, to predict individual susceptibility to HIV / AIDA, to guide the clinical treatment has become a real possibility.