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中国文字学会首届学术讨论会于1996年8月26日至28日在天津市水上公园会宾园饭店举行。有来自祖国大陆及加拿大、日本、韩国等国和香港、台湾、澳门等地区的六十五位代表参加。代表们主要来自各高等学校,也有的来自研究单位和新闻出版部门。 8月26日开幕式由向光忠(南开大学)先生主持;由中国文字学会会长裘锡圭(北京大学)先生致开幕辞,主要代表中国文字学会热烈欢迎各位代表前来参加会议,并希望通过讨论,增进友谊,促进中国文字研究的发展,繁荣学术文化事业。接着由许嘉璐(国家语言文字工作委员会)先生、邢公畹(南开大学)先生讲话,主要希望中国文字学会在中国文字研 The first Symposium of Chinese Literary Society was held on August 26 and 28, 1996 at Tianjin Binhaiyuan Park Hotel. Sixty-five delegates from the mainland China, Canada, Japan, South Korea and other regions of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Maucao attended the event. Delegates come mainly from colleges and universities, but also from research institutes and press and publication departments. On August 26, the opening ceremony was presided over by Mr. Xiang Guangzhong (Nankai University); the opening address was made by Qiu Xijui (Peking University), president of the Chinese Character Institute. On behalf of the Chinese Character Institute, the delegation mainly came to attend the meeting and hoped that through discussion , Promote friendship, promote the development of Chinese writing research and prosper the academic and cultural undertakings. Then by Xu Jialu (State Languages ​​Working Committee), Mr. Xing (开 畹 畹) Mr. speech, mainly hope that the Chinese writing Institute in Chinese text research