青年成为社会学的特定研究对象,带有鲜明的时代特色.在现代社会,一方面,青年的生理成熟期随着物质文化生活水平的提高而大大提前;另一方面,青年的心理成熟期和社会化过程却由于社会的发展而大大后移.这样,青年与社会的矛盾就随着时代节奏的加快而产生、发展了.青年社会学就是从社会整体出发,探讨青年的社会化过程、青年的各种社会行为规律以及青年在社会生活中的地位和作用,以达到促进青年健康成长、促进社会进步的一门社会学分支学科. 青年社会学是一门起步较早、目前仍在探索中的年轻学科.本世纪初,法国社会学家杜尔凯姆指出,青少年的语言、行为和意识形态最灵敏地反映社会的影响.一般认为,美国心理学家、
Youth has become a specific research object of sociology with distinctive characteristics of the times.In modern society, on the one hand, the physiological maturity of young people is greatly advanced with the improvement of material and cultural life; on the other hand, the psychological maturity of youth and The process of socialization is greatly postponed due to the development of society, so that the contradiction between youth and society arises and develops with the accelerating pace of the times.Starting from the social whole, young sociology explores the socialization process of youth, and the youth And the status and role of youth in social life so as to achieve a branch of sociology that promotes the healthy growth of young people and promote social progress.The young sociology is an early start and is still under exploration Of the young subjects.Early this century, the French sociologist Dulkhem pointed out that the language, behavior and ideology of adolescents most sensitively reflect the impact of society is generally believed that American psychologists,