增强现实技术(Augmented Reality,简称AR)是利用计算机生成逼真的视、听、力、触和动等感觉的交互技术,它借助计算机图形技术和可视化技术产生现实环境中不存在的虚拟对象,并通过传感技术将虚拟对象准备“放置”在真实环境中,通过显示设备将虚拟对象与真实环境进行无缝融合,为使用者呈现一个感官效果逼真的新环境。它
Augmented Reality (AR) is an interactive technology that uses the computer to generate realistic visual, listening, force, touching and moving feelings. It uses computer graphics technology and visualization technology to generate virtual objects that do not exist in the real environment Prepare Virtual Objects with Sensing Technology In a real environment, the virtual objects are seamlessly integrated with the real environment through a display device, so as to present the user with a realistic environment with a sensory effect. it