各位来宾、同志们、同学们: 新疆语文学校在自治区党政部门领导和有关单位的关心、支持下,经过近两年的筹备,今年正式招生,并于今天正式开学了。这是新疆语文学校第一个开学典礼。借此机会,我代表自治区语委向曾经在筹备新疆语文学校过程中,给予我们支持的单位和领导,向参与筹备工作的同志们表示衷心的感谢!向新疆语文学校全体教职员工和同学们表示热烈的祝贺!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Students: Under the concern and support of leaders of party and government departments and relevant units in the autonomous region, the Xinjiang Language and Culture School officially enrolled students this year after formal preparations for the past two years and officially started today. This is the first opening ceremony of Xinjiang Language School. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heart-felt thanks to all the comrades and students participating in the preparatory work for the units and leaders who have given us support in the course of preparing for the Xinjiang Language School, on behalf of the regional committee of the autonomous region Warm congratulations!