
来源 :语文月刊(学术综合版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiajie318
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2008年高考早已尘埃落定,对于试题的品评却并没销声匿迹,好评如潮之后,理性评价成为必然。人们常说,成绩不说跑不了,问题不说不得了。高考是中学教学的指挥棒,有了问题尤其不得了。《语文月刊》开设高考语文试卷命题问题的讨论,目的是想通过理性的观察,发现高考语文命题的某些不足,促使今后的高考语文试卷的命题更加严谨更加科学,同时,也为中学一线教师提供一个理性“发声”的平台,并且希望这种声音的发出和传播都具有普遍性。也许“声音”还很微弱,相信智者必会细心倾听。有鉴于此,本刊开辟这个高考命题问题讨论的专栏,集中刊发这一组研究性论文,以高度的责任感及使命感,严肃认真讨论2008年高考语文命题的不足。广州市中学语文教学研究会高三中心组在《2008年高考语文(广东卷)试题分析》一文中有这样一句话:“我们在学习今年的试题时,发现了许多值得称道的地方,但对一些题目的选材、设问、参考答案的表述和能力层级的界定等也产生了不少的疑问和困惑。”您有类似的疑问和困惑吗?《语文月刊》热忱欢迎您参与讨论。来稿请投:ywyk02@scnu.edu.cn College entrance examination in 2008 has long been settled, the test for the evaluation has not disappeared, rave reviews, rational assessment has become inevitable. People often say that the results do not say can not run, the problem is not incredible. College entrance examination is a high school teaching baton, with problems especially incredibly. The purpose of “Language Monthly” is to discuss the proposition of the Chinese papers in college entrance examination. The purpose is to find some shortcomings of the Chinese papers in the college entrance examination through rational observation, and promote the more rigorous and scientific propositions of the Chinese papers in the entrance exam. Meanwhile, Provide a rational “voice” platform, and hope that the issue and dissemination of such voices are universal. Maybe “sound ” is still very weak, I believe the wise man will listen carefully. In view of this, we opened the column of the college entrance examination proposition discussion, published a group of research papers concentrated, with a high sense of responsibility and mission, serious and serious discussion of the 2008 college entrance examination language proposition deficiencies. Guangzhou High School Language Teaching and Research Center for high school in the “2008 Chinese (Guangdong Volume) test analysis,” a article with the sentence: “When we study this year’s test, found many commendable place, but Some questions such as material selection, question and answer, expression of reference answers and definition of competency level have also caused a lot of questions and confusion. ”Do you have similar questions and confusion?" Chinese Monthly Magazine warmly welcomes your participation in the discussion. Contribution please vote: ywyk02@scnu.edu.cn