如何在当前水产品价格普遍下落 ,水产品市场低迷的情况下发展水产养殖 ,提高渔业经济效益呢 ?下面谈几点看法。一、因地制宜选好养殖模式。传统的水产养殖模式主要是混养 ,投入较少 ,粗放经营 ,产量及经济效益较低。随着科学技术的发展和养殖生产水平的提高 ,一种新型的高产高
How to develop aquaculture under the condition of the current general decline of the price of aquatic products and the downturn of the aquatic products market and improve the economic benefits of fisheries? Here are some observations. First, according to local conditions, choose a good breeding mode. The traditional aquaculture model is mainly polyculture, less investment, extensive management, lower yield and economic benefits. With the development of science and technology and raising the level of breeding and production, a new type of high-yield and high