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为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于加强老龄工作的重要批示和讲话精神,培育新时代尊老、敬老的良好风尚,在全市范围内开展“有了爱就有了一切”尊老养老享老征文比赛活动。一、主题思想征文可以结合尊老、养老、享老三个方面,从青少年、成人、企事业单位、社会组织等各个层面,书写对于尊老、养老、享老的见闻和感想。通过比赛唤起社会各界对尊老、养老,享老的重视。打造尊老城市品牌,践行养老公益项目,力推享老经济建设。二、组织机构主办单位:青岛市老龄办、青岛市文联、青岛市广播电视台 In order to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and speeches on strengthening elderly work, cultivate a good habit of respecting and respecting the elderly in the new era and carry out the work within the city. “There is everything with love.” Essay competition activities. I. Thematic thoughts Essay can combine three aspects: respecting one’s old age, supporting one’s old age and enjoying one’s old age. From the perspective of adolescents, adults, enterprises and public institutions, and social organizations, we should write down the insights and feelings about respecting the elderly, supporting the elderly and enjoying the old. Through the competition, all sectors of society are encouraged to respect old-age, old-age and old-age enjoyment. Build respect for the city brand, practicing pension public projects, pushing forward the old economic construction. Second, the organization Organizers: Office of the elderly in Qingdao, Qingdao City Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Qingdao City Radio and Television
见到她至今已近一年,可那记忆还不时困扰着我。与一位完全陌生的人半个小时的谈话,一直令我如此不安,这是为何? 她体态虚弱,衣着考究,坐在市内一座大庙堂外的高台上。我离她
选择剪纸他成了别人嗤笑的“怪物”    10岁时,石成才到县城看电影,对电影院门口海报上的字产生了兴趣,喜欢上了书法。1983年,他没有读完高中便顶替父亲到供销社上班,做出纳工作,一干就是14年。上班期间,他没有丢掉练习书法的爱好,总希望自己将来能成为一个小有名气的书法家。   1998年,石成才所在的那个供销社改革分流,他一夜之间成了下岗职工。看着两个正在上学的孩子和没有工作的妻子,他痛苦地在家
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一位菲律宾的男子自残,用利刃割下了自己的阳物。主要原因是其妻离他而去。到首都马尼拉去做保姆(housemaid)了。他想象自己的阳物正像眼镜蛇一样逼近其他女性(his penis as
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英语中有许多拼写十分相近或相似的词,若不小心,极易搞混或用错。下面几组词,我们在使用时要多加注意。1.altar n.祭坛;圣坛:The priest stood at the al-tar.alter v.改变:
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