
来源 :国外医学.妇产科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eric_yf
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在美国,乳腺癌的发病率在逐年增加。目前估计每11名妇女中即有一人发病。在过去的20年里,对乳腺癌曾进行了广泛的研究以期改进其检测及治疗方法,但目前对其早期检测、诊断及治疗的方法仍有争议。本文回顾了乳腺生物学的各个方面,包括生理因素、各种乳腺情况,并将这些概念与良、恶性乳腺改变的临床表现联系起来。正常乳腺的解剖学和生理学成人乳腺由16~18个小叶构成。小叶中有导管、小管及在纤维脂肪性基质中的小叶管泡单位。乳腺发育始于胚胎第5周。第40周时管泡发育更显著。至青春期时,乳腺开始有与能够完全泌乳的成人乳腺相关的周期性变化。许多激素可与正常人的乳腺相互影 In the United States, the incidence of breast cancer is increasing year by year. It is currently estimated that one out of every 11 women is affected. In the past two decades, extensive research has been conducted on breast cancer in order to improve its detection and treatment methods, but the methods of its early detection, diagnosis and treatment are still controversial. This article reviews all aspects of mammary gland biology, including physiological factors, various breast conditions, and links these concepts to the clinical manifestations of benign and malignant breast changes. Anatomy and Physiology of Normal Breast The adult breast consists of 16 to 18 leaflets. Lobules have catheters, tubules, and tubule cells in fibrous fatty matrices. Breast development begins in the 5th week of the embryo. Tube development was more pronounced at week 40. By adolescence, the mammary gland begins to have periodic changes associated with adult breasts that can be fully lactated. Many hormones can interact with normal breasts
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