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实流检定是流量计量值传递的一项重要手段,通过实流检定可以有效的弥补干标过程中不能对气质条件、安装条件等影响修正的缺陷,使得量值传递更加准确可靠。但在现场实流检定过程中,由于流量计处于露天条件下,环境条件比较复杂,使得在每个流量点取样过程中温度会发生波动,检定规程中规定,在每个流量点的检定过程中温度变化应不超过0.5℃,在实际工作过程中,不同的检定工艺流程对温度波动的要求应该是不同的,具体问题应具体分析,确定温度允许的波动范围,文章以移动式天然气计量标准装置在线实流检定为例,分析在线实流检定的温度允许变化范围,为流量计的实流检定工作提供参考。 The real-flow test is an important measure of the flow measurement value transmission. The actual flow test can effectively compensate for the defects that can not be corrected for the influence of the temperament conditions and the installation conditions during the drying process, so that the value transmission is more accurate and reliable. However, during the actual flow test in the field, because the flowmeter is exposed to the open air, the environmental conditions are complicated and the temperature fluctuates during sampling at each flow point. The verification procedure stipulates that during the verification process of each flow point, Temperature changes should not exceed 0.5 ℃, in the actual work process, the different verification process requirements for temperature fluctuations should be different, the specific problems should be specifically analyzed to determine the temperature allows the fluctuation range, the article with mobile natural gas measurement standard device Online real-time verification as an example, analysis of online real-time verification of the allowable temperature range, the flowmeter for the real-time verification of work to provide a reference.
【正】各市、县(区)人民政府,省人民政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 省行政审批制度改革工作小组制定的《2005年全省行政审批制度改革工作要点》已经省人民政
【正】 福建师范大学福清分校: 经研究决定: 免去陈永正的福建师范大学福清分校校长职务。