在亚太地区巡回展出的“亚洲个人护理品原料展览会”(Personal Care Ingredients Asia)于2002年3月19日—21日在上海国际展览中心隆重举行,这是继1999年的PCIA首次在上海举办之后再度返回上海。该展会由英国Step Exhibitions Limited主办,上海国际展览中心有限公司具体承办,得到了中国香料香精化妆品工业协会的支持。 6000平方米的展厅内吸引了来自英国、泰国、美国、芬兰、德国、以色列、日本、新加坡、意大利、法国、韩国、马来西亚、瑞士、西班牙、澳大利亚、印度尼西亚、荷兰、捷克、阿根廷和中国等20多个国家
The “Asia Pacific Personal Care Ingredients Asia” tour on the Asia Pacific region was held at the Shanghai International Exhibition Center on March 19-21, 2002, the first time for the PCIA in 1999 After returning to Shanghai after holding in Shanghai. Organized by Step Exhibitions Limited in the United Kingdom, Shanghai International Exhibition Center Co., Ltd. was specifically sponsored by the China Fragrance Flavor and Cosmetics Industry Association. The 6,000-square-meter exhibition hall draws visitors from Britain, Thailand, the United States, Finland, Germany, Israel, Japan, Singapore, Italy, France, South Korea, Malaysia, Switzerland, Spain, Australia, Indonesia, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Argentina and China. Multiple countries