海风习习、风景秀丽的上海市奉贤县,有个位于中港出海口的一类哨所——“五四海防民兵哨所”。它控制着东起芦潮港,西至燎原总公司的8.8公里海防线。哨所连续7年保持着南京军区“先进海防民兵哨所”光荣称号。 “五四海防民兵哨所”的小伙子们平均年龄21岁,在这个人生最美好的“黄金岁月”,民兵们“不恋都市多彩生活,甘愿上哨守海疆”的无私奉献精神在当地引起
Sea breeze, the beautiful scenery of Fengxian County, Shanghai, there is a kind of post at the port of China and Hong Kong - “May Fourth coastal anti-militia posts.” It controls the 8.8 km Haiphong line from Luchaogang in the east to Liaoyuan in the west. For seven years in a row, the post has maintained the glorious title of “Advanced Coast Guard Militia Post” at the Nanjing Military Region. The average age of 21-year-old boys in the “May Fourth Maritime Defense Militias Post” was locally raised in this “golden age” of life, and the unselfish dedication of the militias who are “not in love with the colorful life of cities and cities, but willing to keep the waters of the sea”