目的:通评估高原某部在高原环境训练和执行任务时的膳食营养的状况,为其膳食结构优化和合理配置提供合理建议。方法随机抽取高原参加军事训练的战士96名作为调查对象,采用称量法于训练结束后第3~9天的连续调查7 d战士的食物摄入情况。结果该部队平均每人每日摄入食物总量1797.7 g,与军标相比偏低。蛋白质摄入不足,为军标的91.7%;矿物元素中钙、锌、硒摄入分别为649.2 mg、11.4 mg、42.8 mg,均低于军标,维生素A、D、C为军标的54.3%、76.0%和74.4%。结论该部膳食结构有待优化,一些营养素摄入量不能满足官兵的营养需要,可以进一步改善食物供应品种,适当增加新鲜蔬菜、优质蛋白及水果和坚果的供应,有条件时可服用“多种维生素”、“钙片”、“葡萄糖酸锌”等制剂以保障高原训练机体所需。“,”Arstract: Objective To investigate the dietary and nutritional status of troops during military training on plateau. Methods 96 soldiers randomly selected from a troop 3~9 days after a military training at an altitude of 4200 m, aged (21.2 ± 2.3), In the period of continuous 7 days weighing method was used to investigate the quantity of food consumption, diet structure, proportions of 3 major calorigenic nutritients, protein, lipid and carbohydrate, and other nutrients. Results The per capita daily food intake was 1797.7 g, on the low side of the Military Standard. The intake amounts of grain, vegetable oil, and kelp were 796.2 g, 52.5 g, and 17.3 g respectively, all up to the standard, The intake of pork and its products was basically up to the standard. However, the intake amounts of vegetable, egg, fish, beans and their products, diary were lower than the demand of the Standard. The intake amounts of calcium, zinc, and selenium were 649.2 mg, 11.4 mg, and 42.8 mg, respectively, all lower than the damand of the Standard. And the intake amounts of vitamins A, D, and C only reached 54.3%, 76.0%, and 74.4%of the Standard demand repectively. Conclusion The soldires in plateau udergoing military training fail to take in enough protein, calcium, zinc, selenium, and vitamins, except vitamins B1, B2and E.