农作物在生长发育过程中,需要多种多样的养料,其中对氮、磷、钾三种元素需要量大,所以,通常称氮、磷、钾为“肥料三要素”。 氮:是构成植物体内蛋白质和叶绿素的重要成分。氮能促使作物植株高大,枝叶茂盛,叶色浓绿;还能促进作物对磷和钾的吸收,提高作物产量。 磷:是构成植物细胞核的主要成分。磷能促使作物根系生长良好,促进作物体内醣类物质的代谢作用,增强抗旱、抗寒能力;促进营养物质从茎叶往籽实中输送,使作物提早成熟,籽粒饱满;提高糖类作物的含糖量。
Crops in the process of growth and development, the need for a wide range of nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium three elements of large demand, therefore, often referred to as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as a “fertilizer three elements.” Nitrogen: is an important component of plant protein and chlorophyll. Nitrogen can promote crop plants tall, lush foliage, dark green leaves; but also to promote crop phosphorus and potassium absorption, improve crop yields. Phosphorus: is the main component of the plant cell nucleus. Phosphorus can promote crop root growth well, promote the metabolism of carbohydrates in crops, enhance drought resistance, cold resistance; promote the transfer of nutrients from the stems and leaves to the seed, so that crops mature earlier, full grains; improve the carbohydrate content Sugar amount.