
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuxiang8288
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Background: To examine if standardized reading charts with highly comparable test items can be used for evaluating impairments in the monocular reading performance of children with microstrabismic amblyopia characterized by a small angle of squint with less than 5 degrees. Methods: The reading performance of 22 children (mean age: 11.7±1.6 years) with unilateral microstrabismic amblyopia was evaluated monocularly in both eyes, using standardized reading charts for the simultaneous determination of reading acuity and speed. The print sizes of the highly comparable sentence optotypes were logarithmically graded, providing constant geometric proportions for all testing distances in order to control contour interaction. All children were under continuous amblyopia therapy. Results: In the amblyopic eyes, reading acuity and maximum reading speed were significantly impaired when compared to the sound fellow eyes (P<0.001). In respect of the maximum reading speed, a mean inter-ocular difference of 33±19 words per minute was found, revealing functionally relevant deficits in monocular reading performance. The amblyopic eyes achieved only a significantly reduced reading acuity (mean inter-ocular difference: LogRAD 0.5±0.24; P<0.001). In eight children, the amblyopic eyes achieved a best-corrected visual acuity of LogMAR 0.0 or better: In respect of the visual acuity, there was no significant inter-ocular difference, but reading acuity and maximum reading speed were significantly impaired when compared to the fellow eyes. Conclusions: Microstrabismic amblyopia was associated with significant impairment of reading acuity and speed in treated amblyopes, even in those with no persistent acuity deficit. To improve treatment addressing these functional deficits, reading performance should be monitored over time using standardized reading tests, which provide essential information about functionally relevant reading impairments. Background: To examine if standardized reading charts with highly comparable test items can be used for evaluating impairments in the monocular reading performance of children with microstrabismic amblyopia characterized by a small angle of squint with less than 5 degrees. Methods: The reading performance of 22 children (mean age: 11.7 ± 1.6 years) with unilateral microstrabismic amblyopia was evaluated monocularly in both eyes, using standardized reading charts for the simultaneous determination of reading acuity and speed. The print sizes of the highly comparable sentence optotypes were logarithmically graded, providing constant geometric proportions for all testing distances in order to control contour interaction. All children were under continuous assemblymbly therapy. Results: In themblymblyopic eyes, reading acuity and maximum reading speed were significantly impaired when compared to the sound fellow eyes (P <0.001). In respect of the maximum reading speed, a mean inter-ocular differe nce of 33 ± 19 words per minute was found, revealing functionally relevant deficits in monocular reading performance. The amblyopic eyes done only a significant reduced reading acuity (mean inter-ocular difference: LogRAD 0.5 ± 0.24; p <0.001). In eight children , the amblyopic eyes achieved a best-corrected visual acuity of LogMAR 0.0 or better: In respect of the visual acuity, there was no significant inter-ocular difference, but reading acuity and maximum reading speed were significantly impaired when compared to the fellow eyes. Conclusions: Microstrabismic amblyopia was associated with significant impairment of reading acuity and speed in treated amblyopes, even in those with no persistent acuity deficit. information about functionally relevant reading impairments
这是一部美国自己拍的朝鲜战争纪录片,对于一场勉强打成平局的战争,美国媒体似乎一贯避开不提。中国人对朝鲜战争的了解,大多来自国内自己的报道,很少有知道战争对手的看法的。看了这部纪录片之后,认真比较国内的说法,发现有很多的出入,还发现了些美国人逻辑的天真。  1.关于战争的起因。国内的报道都是说是韩国主动挑起战争。这部纪录片全面地反映了朝鲜的战前准备,体现了朝鲜对于发动这场战争的精心策划。  2.关于
周恩来堪称20世纪中国历史舞台上最伟大的人物之一,很少有人像他那样能够扮演各种不同的角色而且应付自如。他是斗士,又是调和者;是君子,又是大丈夫。 Zhou Enlai is one of