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国学之旅几站下来,终于是到曲阜了。仿佛过往的一切都在为这次曲阜之行作准备:很早的时候,我就知道孔子,但那时候不关心,什么“有朋自远方来、不亦乐乎”、“人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎”的话,我背过一些。也看过有关画他的图片,弓着腰站着,两手交叉,一副谦虚谨慎的样子,我喜欢。但一看到坐在庙堂上的孔子,想起鲁迅的话,又有些感情复杂了。在曲阜盘桓的几天里,我深深感到自己的浅薄。和之前走过的武夷山、敦煌、浙江湖州、安徽不同,曲阜和他们相比,可以说风景全无。这是一个文化人陶冶情操的大熔炉。没有文化,不懂文化,那么 Guoxue trip a few stops down, and finally to Qufu. As if everything in the past was preparing for this trip to Qufu: I knew Confucius very early, but at that time I was not concerned about what “a friend from afar,” “I do not know And not foolish, not gentleman almost ”, then I have some. Also read the pictures of his painting, bowing waist standing, hands crossed, a humble look, I like it. However, when I saw the Confucius sitting in the temple and remembered Lu Xun’s words, I had some complicated feelings. In Qufu linger for a few days, I feel deeply shallow. And before walking through Wuyishan, Dunhuang, Huzhou, Zhejiang, Anhui, different, Qufu compared with them, we can say no scenery. This is a melting pot of cultural people cultivating sentiments. No culture, no culture, then