
来源 :体育世界(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gogoboy725
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在竞技运动水平愈来愈高、竞争愈来愈激烈的今天,运用生理生化指标对运动员的身体机能进行检测与评定,显得尤为重要。它主要是应用生理生化方法和相应的指标,对运动员承受运动训练负荷的能力、现实身体机能状况、训练的科学性和有效性等进行诊断。速度滑冰是体能主导类速度、耐力性项目,运动员的体能在比赛中起到重要的作用。 In the competitive sports level is getting higher and higher, the competition is fiercer and fiercer today, it is very important to use physical and biochemical indexes to test and evaluate athletes’ bodily functions. It is mainly the application of physiological and biochemical methods and the corresponding indicators on the athletes to withstand exercise training load capacity, the actual physical condition, the training of scientific and effective diagnosis. Speed ​​skating is the type of fitness-led speed, endurance projects, athletes’ physical fitness play an important role in the game.
作者通过清政府对古巴华工状况的认识和调查,展示了清政府经过外交努力,使古巴华工的处境得以改善,体现了晚清国家的近代化。 Through the Qing government’s understandin