一、概况惠民乡芒景村国土面积89.58平方公里,位于惠民乡南部,是“千年万亩古茶园”的座落地之一,距乡政府驻地29公里,距澜沧县城77公里,境内最高海拔1700米,平均海拔1275米。年降雨量1800毫米,年平均气温18—20℃,无霜期34 5天以上,属亚热带气候,主要经济作物为茶叶。芒景村是一个以布朗族为主体,傣、布朗、汉、彝等民族共同杂居的民族村。全村辖6个村民小组,有639户,2645人,布朗族人口2436人,占全村总人口的92.1%。其中:农业人口632户,
I. Overview Huimin Township Mangjing Village covers an area of 89.58 square kilometers and is located in the southern part of Huimin Township. It is one of the places where thousands of mu ancient tea gardens are located. It is 29 kilometers away from the township government resident and 77 kilometers away from Lancang County , The highest elevation 1700 meters, the average elevation of 1275 meters. Annual rainfall of 1800 mm, the annual average temperature of 18-20 ℃, frost-free period 34 5 days above, is a subtropical climate, the main cash crop of cashmere. Mangjing Village is a ethnic village with Braun as the mainstay and Dai, Brown, Han and Yi ethnic groups living together. The village administer 6 villagers group, 639, 2645 people, Braun population 2436 people, accounting for 92.1% of the total population of the village. Among them: 632 agricultural population,