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本文從文本和圖像數據出發以研究自宋以降漢族與少數民族政權對王朝正統性的不同闡釋。自秦以降,中國王朝多以五行相生來解釋本朝取代前朝的正統性,并同時以五行理論的五行與五色的對應關係來選擇王朝的服色,如宋朝取火運以繼後周之木德,并服色尚赤。同時,與宋朝并存的契丹、女真、蒙古三個北方民族建立的遼、金、元政權也學習中原王朝的五行理論,分别選取了水德、土德、金德爲各自的德運,挑戰了以漢民族本位的正統王朝世系:遼朝的水德生後晋的金德,挑戰了後晋之後的後周與宋的正統性;金朝雖未選取繼承遼朝德運,但其所取土德生自宋朝的火德,是以此證明金亡北宋後已完成中華德正統朝代更迭,而宣布南渡的南宋王朝爲僞政權;元朝服色尚白,所取的金德生自同爲非漢民族建立的金代的土德,以此證明其取中國正統自金代而非南宋。金、元所建立的王朝世系後被漢族建立的明朝否定,從明朝帝王畫像所服黄色看出明朝最终選定了生自宋朝的火德的土德,從而完全跳過了三個非漢民族政權,恢復了漢族王朝的世系延續。 This article starts from the text and image data to study the different interpretations of the legitimacy of the dynasty by the Han and minority nationalities since the Song Dynasty. Since the Qin dynasty, the Chinese dynasty mostly used the Five Elements to explain the orthodoxy of the former dynasty instead of the former dynasty. At the same time, the dynastic dresses were chosen according to the correspondence between the five elements and the five colors of the five elements theory. For example, , And serving color still red. At the same time, the Liao, Jin and Yuan regimes established by the three northern peoples of the Khitan, Jurchen and Mongolia coexisting with the Song Dynasty also studied the Five Elements theory of the Central Plains dynasty and selected the respective virtues of Germany, Germany, Germany and Kinder as challenges to the The orthodox dynastic lineage based on the Han nationality: Kinder in the Liao Dynasty after Shui Desheng’s post-Jin challenged the orthodox nature of the post-Jin period and the Song Dynasty. Although the Jin dynasty did not choose to inherit the LJF, German students from the Song Dynasty fire Germany, is to prove the golden death after the Northern Song Dynasty has completed the Chinese orthodox dynasty changes, and the Southern Song dynasty announced the pseudo-regime; Yuan dynasty clothes color is still white, taken by Kim Desheng own non-Han The nationality established the Tude of the Jin Dynasty, as evidenced by its orthodoxy from the Jin Dynasty instead of the Southern Song Dynasty. The Jin dynasty established by the Yuan dynasty was denied by the Ming dynasty established by the Han nationality. From the dynasty emperors’ portrait of yellow, the Ming dynasty finally chose the Tude born from the Song dynasty and totally skipped the three non - Han nationality restored the descent of the Han dynasty.
丁玲带着她的梦珂、莎菲们登上文坛,但二三十年代中国社会还没有为这些“ 革命女性”准备现实的土壤。1929年,长篇小说《韦护》标志着丁玲创作从“革命女性”向 “女性革命”的
目的探究处方中不合理用药的具体状况及应对措施,促进临床用药合理开展。方法随机抽取门诊10000张门诊处方单进行详细研究。结果 10000张门诊处方中,102张处方单存在不合理用