The pathogen of cholera is Vibrio cholerae O1 group, but only part of the V. cholerae O1 group can cause cholera epidemic, so the epidemiological significance of different strains vary greatly. To investigate the genetic relationship and evolutionary variation between different types and subgroups of O1 group bacteria, multi-site enzyme electrophoresis was used to study the Vibrio cholerae O1 group. Results: The frequency of most alleles of Vibrio cholerae O1 was low, especially for classical strains and Elto type strains. Most of the tested genes were non-polymorphic. The average of Vibrio cholerae O1 The average value of genetic polymorphism (HO1) was 0.183, and the average heterozygosity (hO1) was 5.67. The average genetic polymorphism value of the classical, Elto and Elto non-epidemic strains was Heterozygosity were: HCVC = 0.106, hCVC = 1.5; HESEVC = 0.056, hESEVC = 2.3; HNSEVC = 0.425, hNSEVC = 5. The results showed that classical and Elto type strains were a closely related group as pathogen of cholera. However, Elto type non-epidemic strains were more discrete in genetic relationship and distantly related to epidemic strains, probably Its long-term as a result of evolutionary variation of environmental strains