综合业务数字网(Integrated Service Digital Network, ISDN)起源于本世纪70年代初期的欧洲,但直至90年代才开始在全世界范围内得以真正的普及应用,其中经历了非常漫长而又曲折的发展过程。1993年底,由22个欧洲国家的电信运营部门发起和倡议,在ISDN技术发展了近20多年之后,才使欧洲ISDN标准(Euro-ISDN)最终得以统一,由此开创了ISDN发展史上的新纪元。 按照ITU对ISDN的定义,即ISDN是以综合数字电话网(IDN)为基础发展而成的数字通信网,能够提供端对端的数字连接,用来支持包括话音和非话音(比如视频、图像等)在内的电信业务。用户能通过有限的一组标准化、多用
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) originated in Europe in the early 1970s, but it was not until 1990’s that it became truly universal in the world. It experienced a very long and tortuous process of development . The end of 1993, initiated and initiated by the telecom operators in 22 European countries, finally brought Euro-ISDN to unification after nearly 20 years of ISDN technology. This created a new era in the history of ISDN. According to ITU’s definition of ISDN, ISDN is a digital communications network based on the Integrated Digital Telephone Network (IDN) that provides end-to-end digital connectivity to support both voice and non-voice (such as video, video, etc.) ) Telecommunications services. Users can be standardized through a limited set of multi-purpose