
来源 :江苏化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catva
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铼是一种稀有金属,由于具有极高的熔点和化学稳定性,在航空与空间技术和电子工业中的重要性愈来愈大,铼又是石油化工中的重整催化剂的重要成份,近来还有人提出铼对癌有治疗作用。铼在矿物中以稀散状态存在,而没有单独的矿物,主要伴生在辉钼矿中。我国钼矿资源极为丰富,因此从炼钼工业中附加小型设备以回收铼,具有很大前途。 Rhenium is a rare metal that has become increasingly important in the aerospace and space technology and electronics industries because of its extremely high melting point and chemical stability. Rhenium is an important component of the reforming catalyst in the petrochemical industry and has recently Others have suggested that rhenium has a therapeutic effect on cancer. Rhenium exists as a dilute dispersion in minerals, but not as a separate mineral, mainly associated with molybdenite. Our country is extremely rich in molybdenum resources, so from the molybdenum industry to add small equipment to recover rhenium, with great promise.
粉领族人生处在二十五、三十岁时,有如旭日东升,初入社会,朝气蓬勃,生命亮丽。踏入职场或许一、二年,或许三、五年的你,薪水都怎么运用?已经存了多少钱?打算以后过什么生活?十年、十五年后,你的财务会是什么状况?  面对未来的人生路,粉领族处在事业的起步阶段,全新出发,可要好好打理钱财,为自己铺出一条扎实的财务康庄大道哟。  消费至上的粉领族V.S用心打理钱财的粉领族  26岁的李珍,活泼可爱、衣着时髦