
来源 :装饰 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xielidan2005
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我们是中央工艺美术学院装饰绘画系的学生。去年国庆为了向党献礼,我们到杨柳青进行了十多天的学习——参观、访问、临摹,还学习杨柳青年画的表现方法,结合大跃进的内容,进行了新年画创作(见44页彩色图版)。杨柳青年画已有三百多年的历史,艺术上卓有成就,在人民群众中深深地扎下了根。人民对它的喜爱不是偶然的——因为它洋溢着劳动人民的热爱生活、热爱劳动的感情,反映了劳动人民的美好愿望,在艺术风格上也形成了它的健康、工整、精细、丰润的特殊面貌。杨柳青年画的制作方法基本上是水印套色,然后逐层加工描 We are a student of the Department of Decorative Painting at the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts. In honor of the celebration of the party, we visited Yangliuqing for more than ten days during the National Day last year. We visited, visited and copied the performance of Yangliuqing New Year paintings. In combination with the content of the Great Leap Forward, we carried out the creation of New Year pictures (see page 44 for color plates ). Yangliuqing has more than three hundred years of history of young paintings. It has made great achievements in art and deeply rooted in the masses of the people. The people’s love of it is not accidental - because it is filled with the love of working people and the love of labor, which reflects the good wishes of the working people and forms its artistic, healthy, neat, sophisticated and rich Special look. Yangliuqing painting production method is basically a watermark color, and then layer by layer processing description
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