输卵管是由输卵管伞部,壶腹部,峡部壶腹部峡部结合带,峡部、间质部,子宫输卵管结合带所构成约长10cm 细长管状,它不仅是卵子的通路,也是受精和孕卵发育之处,在生殖生理学上有重要作用。但至今对输卵管的功能所知甚少,最近由于显微手术的应用,进行输卵管切除和吻合。同时也对输卵管的功能研究上有一定的进展。本文以显微手术的实验为中心,对输卵管功能新见解加以概述。1)在以 CO_2激光作家兔输卵管切断吻合,如以焦距50mm 透镜焦点直径1.2mm 时其切断面锐利,输卵管粘膜有轻度凝集但并不出血,周围组织损伤
Fallopian tube is composed of tubal umbrella, ampulla, isthmus pot belly isthmus junction zone, isthmus, interstitial part, the uterus fallopian tube combined with a long tube about 10cm long, it is not only the egg passage, but also fertilization and development of the egg Department, in reproductive physiology has an important role. However, little has been known about the function of the fallopian tube, and tubal resection and anastomosis have recently been performed due to the use of microsurgery. At the same time, there is some progress on the function of fallopian tube. In this paper, microsurgical experiments as the center, to summarize the new insights into tubal function. 1) In the CO_2 laser Rabbit fallopian tubes cut off anastomosis, such as focal length 50mm lens focal spot diameter of 1.2mm when the cut surface sharp, tubal mucosa with mild agglutination but does not bleed, the surrounding tissue damage