为评估激光陀螺SINS的性能 ,需对系统中的惯性器件误差 ,包括随机漂移误差、刻度系数误差与安装误差角等 ,进行系统级标定 .提出了卡尔曼滤波校准法 ,此方法利用激光陀螺SINS六位置静基座测试数据来标定系统中的惯性器件误差 .其实现过程包括两步 :首先 ,基于降阶处理思想 ,利用SINS的静基座测试数据 ,通过卡尔曼滤波来估计SINS系统中激光陀螺随机漂移误差及其他误差参数的耦合参量 ;第二步 ,比较两组不同位置的静基座测试数据的滤波辨识结果 ,对不同形式的耦合参量估值进行标量运算 ,即可获得SINS系统中其它惯性器件误差参数的校准值 .卡尔曼滤波校准法的方法比较简单 ,测试易于实现 ,只需要一台精度比较高的手动三轴定位转台即可 .另外 ,卡尔曼滤波法具有对测量噪声及环境干扰的影响不敏感、校准精度高的优点 .卡尔曼滤波校准法的有效性与可行性已通过仿真测试得到了验证 .
In order to evaluate the performance of laser gyro SINS, we need to calibrate the inertial device error, including random drift error, scale error and installation error angle, etc .. The Kalman filter calibration method is proposed, which uses the laser gyro SINS Six static test data to calibrate the inertial device error in the system.The implementation includes two steps: First, based on the idea of reduced order processing, SINS static base test data, Kalman filtering to estimate the laser in the SINS system Gyro random drift error and other error parameters of the coupling parameters; the second step, comparing two groups of different positions of static test results of the filter test results, the different forms of the coupling parameter estimation scalar operation, you can get SINS system Other inertial device error parameter calibration value.Calman filter calibration method is relatively simple, easy to implement test, only need a high precision manual three-axis positioning turntable can be In addition, Kalman filter has the measurement noise and The impact of environmental interference insensitive, the advantages of high calibration accuracy. The effectiveness of Calman filter calibration method and Feasibility has been verified by simulation tests.