Objective:To deter mi ne the prevalent pathogens responsi ble for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP ) and their sensitivity patt ,to test the efficiency of different culture techniques in microbial isolation , and to study the diagnostic predictors of such cases .Methods:One hundred eight SBP episodes from92 adult patients were co mpared to 88 cirrhotic ascites patients cross -matched with age and sex without SBP.Ascitic fluid was subjected to cytological ,biochemical examination and culture on both conven-tional and blood culture bottles at the bedside for bacterial identification and anti microbial susceptibility testing .Results:The prevalence of SBP was 25 .02 %.Logistic regression analysis revealed that ;previ-ous SBPepisode,lowasciticfluidproteinlevels,highserumcreatinineandlowserumalbuminlevels were the independent significant predictors of SBP.About forty-five per cent of SBP episodes were detected by conventional culture co mpared to 73 .15 %by modified technique with a significant differ-ence .Gra m-negative bacteria were the cause of SBPin 46 (58 .23 %)culture positive episodes .Esch-erichiacoli and Staphylococcus aureus were the most co mmonly detected organis ms .Resistance to dif-ferentantibiotics washigh.Conclusion:Cultureofasciticfluidinbloodculturebottlesatbedsideincrea-ses the sensitivity of SBP detection .There is a recent increase in Gra m-positive pathogen with e mer-gence of multi drug resistance .These recent changes may have an i mpact on gui deli nes for manage ment and treat ment of SBP i n our l ocality .