中国工农红军陕北红军(亦称陕甘红军或西北红军),是第二次国内革命战争时期,在陕甘边、陕北和晋西等地建立和发展起来的。一、组建革命武装,开展游击战争 1930年,刘志丹根据党的指示,利用阎锡山、冯玉祥同蒋介石混战的机会,组织二十多名共产党员在陕甘边保安、靖边、安塞地区发动农民群众组建革命武装。经过一年多的努力,在合水地区成立南梁游击队,全队三百多人。 1931年3月,中共山西省委以二十余名共产党员(中共陕北特委也派有党员参加),在山西孝义地区组成晋西游击队,活动于吕梁山南段的汾阳、孝义、石楼、中阳、离石等地。后来,在敌人“进剿”下,
The Red Army of North China, the Red Army of Workers and Peasants and Workers, also known as the Red Army of Shaanxi and Gansu or the Red Army of the Northwest, was established and developed during the Second Revolutionary Civil War in Shaanxi and Gansu, northern Shaanxi and Shanxi. I. Establishment of a Revolutionary Armed Forces and Guerrilla War In 1930, according to the party’s instructions, Liu Zhidan used the opportunity of Yan Xishan and Feng Yuxiang to fight melee with Chiang Kai-shek and organized more than 20 party members to mobilize peasants in the Gansu-Gansu-Shaanxi border areas and Jingbian-Ansai areas The masses set up revolutionary armed forces. After more than a year of hard work, the Nankiang guerrillas were established in Heishui, with a total team of more than 300. In 1931 March, the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee to more than twenty Communist Party members (CPC Shaanxi Provincial Special Committee also sent party members to participate), Shanxi Xiaoyi area formed Jinsi guerrillas, activities in southern Luliangshan Fenyang, Xiaoyi, stone floor, in Yang, Lishi and other places. Later, under the enemy’s “suppression and suppression”