长沙市南区曙光学校徐经华老师,给二年级学生上了一堂较好的“发散思维训练”课。其教学过程是: 一、提出要求。教师向学生交代本节课的内容、目的,要求学生运用自己学过的知识,积极思考问题。看谁想得多、想得好、想得新。二、摆棒编题。教师先要学生各自用小棒任意摆“几个相同的几”,或“几个不同的几”,再要他们根据自己摆小棒的情况,口编式题、文字题或应用题。如,一学
Xujing Hua, Shuguang School, Southern District of Changsha, gave a good “divergent thinking training” class to sophomores. The teaching process is: First, make a request. Teachers explain to students the content of this lesson, the purpose of requiring students to use their own knowledge, positive thinking. To see who think much, think well, think new. Second, put rod compilation. The teacher first wants each student to use the small stick to put “a few same few”, or “a few different ones” arbitrarily, and then according to the situation that they put a small stick, mouth type question, word question or application question. For example, a school