Increasing Liquid Yield and Diesel Fraction in Delayed Coking Process: Mechanism of Liquid Formation

来源 :China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spredsheng
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The thermal upgrading of two residual oils with different characteristics was studied in a labora- tory-scale continuous delayed coking unit.The goal was to investigate the influence of the process vari- ables such as temperature,reaction time and additive on liquid yield and products distribution.A maximum liquid yield of 73% was achieved compared to 69% with the commercial unit.This yield was even increased to 75% under the effect of an additive.The fractionation of liquid oil by simulated vacuum distillation showed a high yield of diesel(46.9%),compared to 28% for the commercial unit. The thermal upgrading of two residual oils with different characteristics was studied in a labora- tory-scale continuous delayed coking unit. The goal was to investigate the influence of the process vari- ables such as temperature, reaction time and additive on liquid yield and products 73% was achieved compared to 69% with the commercial unit. This yield was even increased to 75% under the effect of an additive. The fractionation of liquid oil by simulated vacuum distillation showed a high yield of diesel (46.9%), compared to 28% for the commercial unit.
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