青霉素包括天然青霉素和半合成青霉素,临床应用很广。青霉素除使少数人发生过敏外,对人体毒性很低,因而可给予大剂量。但是有人发现,临床用毒霉素 G、羧苄青霉素、氨苄青霉素、新青霉素Ⅰ(Methi-cillin)和羧噻吩青霉素(Ticarcillin)时,可引起不同程度的出血倾向。进一步研究证明,青霉素导致出血的原因主要是影响了血小板的功能。这样,青霉素的应用就带来一系列与血小板有关的问题。现将这方面的主要报道综述如下。
Penicillin, including natural penicillin and semi-synthetic penicillin, a wide range of clinical applications. Penicillin in addition to a small number of allergies, the human body is very low toxicity, which can give high doses. However, it has been found that clinical use of toxinmycin G, carbenicillin, ampicillin, new penicillin (Methi-cillin) and ticarcillin (Ticarcillin), can cause varying degrees of bleeding tendency. Further studies have shown that the main cause of bleeding caused by penicillin affects the platelet function. In this way, penicillin application brings about a series of platelet-related problems. The main reports in this regard are summarized below.