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一、我国人民在社会主义建设中所取得的巨大成就,和发展国民经济的第一个五年计划的公布,大大鼓舞了少年儿童的爱国热情。最近,北京市、江苏省宜兴县、辽宁省复县松树区的小朋友,都举行了市、县、区的少年儿童代表的集会。他们倡议在小朋友中开展“小五年计划”的活动,为五年计划做些有益的事情,例如:栽培植物、饲养动物、帮助农业生产合作社和家庭做事等等。我们认为这一倡议非常好,它正是我国少年儿童热爱祖国、热爱社会主义的表现。这一活动是少年儿童感兴趣的和力所能及的,过去,少年儿童已经为祖国做了许多有益的事情,这次“小五年计划”的活动,就是在过去的基础上,更有组织更有计划地进行,它将使少年儿童更好地从这一活动中受到教育,因此,我们应该大力支持这一倡议,并且号召全国九周岁以上的小朋友参加“小五年计划”的活动。通过这一活动,我们可以培养少年儿童的爱国主义思想、社会主义劳 First, the tremendous achievements made by our people in socialist construction and the announcement of the first five-year plan for developing the national economy have greatly encouraged the patriotic enthusiasm of children and adolescents. Recently, children from Beijing Municipality, Yixing County, Jiangsu Province and Song Shu District, Fuxing County, Liaoning Province held a rally of juvenile representatives from cities, counties and districts. They advocated the launch of the “Five-Year Plan” among children to do something useful for the five-year plan, such as cultivating plants, raising animals, assisting agricultural cooperatives and families, and so on. We think this initiative is very good. It is precisely the performance of our children and children who love the motherland and love socialism. This activity is of great interest to children and young people. In the past, children and adolescents have done many good things for the motherland. This “Little Five Year Plan” is based on the past and is more organized It will enable children and adolescents to be better educated from this activity. Therefore, we should strongly support this initiative and urge children over the age of 9 in our country to participate in the “Five-Year Plan”. Through this activity, we can cultivate the patriotism of children and adolescents, and socialist labor
屈院长在本院第一次教学与科学研究工作会议上的报告的第一部份 本院系在一九四九年中华人民共和国成立的伟大历史年代创辩的,在上级党和政府的正确领导下,在全院人员的共同