有人说他傻,这种以貌定论者可对大智若愚作不出什么新的释意,有人说他痴,这话倒还有点味道。他一头扎进存放档案的那排黑房子里,转眼就是32个寒暑,是有点痴,而且痴而忘醒忘返。他,就是沁水县档案局局长刘守山同志。 1956年6月在县政府决定筹建档案室对,诸领导不谋而合,决定让刘守山参加了档案室的筹备工作,他欣然地接受了任务。从此开始了又一项崭新的工作。经过刘守山同志的努力,沁水县第一个档案室迅速问世了。但每天无休止地整整停停、查查找找的档案工作,枯操无味,没名没利没有出息。一度守山也曾有过改行的想法,而这一想法却只是那么一闪念。他深深地认识到:党之所以把档案这一十分重要的工作交给自己,这是党和人民对自己的无限信任和殷切的希望。什么是人生真正的前途和出息?真正的出息就是能为党的事业兴旺发达添砖加瓦。就这样,宏伟事业在低谷中迈出了坚实的第一步。以上海“一月风暴”为导序的十年浩劫,席卷了神州大地。母亲在呻吟,人民在流血……沁水县档案馆,没有遭受大的损失:资料完整、
Some people say that he was stupid, this kind of commentator can make no sense what a new interpretation of wisdom, some people say he was crazy, these words down a little taste. He plunged into the row of dark houses where the archives were stored, and in the twinkling of an eye was 32 cold and heatsters. It was a bit of an idiot, and he was oblivious to forgetting to return. He is Comrade Liu Shoushan, director of Archives Bureau of Qinshui County. In June 1956, when the county government decided to set up the archives, all the leaders happened to agree that Liu Shoushan would participate in the preparation of the archives and he accepted the task with pleasure. Since then another brand new job. After the efforts of Comrades Liu Shoushan, Qinshui County, the first archives quickly come out. But endless stop and go every day, check the file to find work, dry and tasteless, no good and no good for nothing. Once upon a time, there was a thought of changing his way and the idea was only a flash. He deeply realized that the reason why the Party has handed over this extremely important work of archives to himself is the infinite trust and ardent hope of the party and the people for himself. What is the real future of our life and what is the point? The only good news is that we can make contributions to the prosperity of the party’s cause. In this way, the magnificent undertaking in the trough has taken a solid first step. Ten years of havoc directed by Shanghai’s “January Storm” swept the land of China. Mother moaning, people are bleeding ...... Qinshui Archives, did not suffer big losses: complete information,