How do you do?呵呵,小女子乃是唐僧的第三百六十五代传人的大表姐的二姑妈的四堂妹六代单传的第七个徒儿。嘿嘿,我没有什么毛病,就是平时有点小啰嗦!大家多担待担待啊!那一日,月黑风高,伸手不见六指(嘿嘿,因为只能见到五个指头)。突然,有一盗贼悄悄溜进了《BF·GF》编辑部,却被我的火眼金睛给看到了,于是我埋伏在门口,待那人一出来便窜了出来,“哼哼哈哈”耍出我的双截棍,顺势夺下了他的赃物。拿起最现代化的照明工具(手电筒一把)察看:竟是一本《BF·GF》!小样儿,偷啥不好,来偷我的至爱?我怒不可谒,抬手撕下这贼人的面具
How do you do? Oh, the little girl is the sixth cousin of the sixth cousin of the second cousin of the third cousin of the third cousin of the monk’s 36th generation. Hey, I have no problems, that is, usually a little bit winded! We all need to be taken care of! That day, the dark and stormy, bare hands (hey, because only to see the five fingers). Suddenly, a thief slipped into the editorial department of “BF GF” and was seen by my eyes. I ambushed at the door and waited until the man came out. My nunchaku, homeopathy to win his booty. Pick up the most modern lighting tools (a flashlight) View: actually a “BF GF”! Sample, steal what bad, to steal my favorite? I anger, lift his hand tore the thief Mask