现在提起陈梦家,知道的人不多了。其实,陈梦家是一个集诗人和古史学、古文字学、青铜器鉴赏和明代家具鉴藏一身的大家(图:四十年代的陈梦家)。1911年4月20日,陈梦家生于南京,卒于1966年9月。祖籍浙江上虞县上官镇。笔名陈漫哉。他的父亲陈金镛老先生,早年毕业于之江学院,曾任神道院提调、广学会编辑等职,是一位非常忠厚纯朴的长者。他的母亲出身牧师家庭,粗通文字,懂罗马拼音,为虔诚的基督教徒。他有八个姊妹,两个哥哥,两个弟弟,均为一母所生。他的夫人赵萝蕤女士,是著名的英美文学家(图1 陈梦家与夫人),乃父赵紫宸,1917年起历任东吴大学教授、燕京大学宗教学院教授和院长。建国后,曾任中
Mention now Chenmeng, few people know. In fact, Chen Mengjia is a collection of poets and ancient history, ancient textology, bronze appreciation and Ming Dynasty furniture collection of a collection of everyone (Figure: Forties in the 40th century). April 20, 1911, Chen Meng was born in Nanjing, died in September 1966. Shangyu County, Zhejiang Shangyu Shangguan town. Chen’s name pseudonym. His father, Mr. Chen Jintao, graduated from Zhijiang College in his early years. He used to be a shrine of the Shinto Shrine, an editor of the Society of Cantonese Opera, and a very honest and honest elder. His mother was a pastor family, crude writing, understanding Roman Pinyin, devout Christians. He has eight sisters, two brothers and two brothers, both born of one mother. His wife, Ms. Zhao Luomu, is a famous Anglo-American writer (Chen Mengjia and his wife in Figure 1), the father of Zhao Zichen. Since 1917, she has served as Professor of Soochow University and Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Religion at Yenching University. After the founding of the former Chinese