最近,在全国首次表彰的“巾帼扫盲奖先进个人”中,会昌县右水乡大青村一位自费创办“妇女扫盲夜校”的女青年伍圣娣金榜题名。 这殊荣,对于年仅20岁的伍圣娣来说,得来不易。 1988年7月,18岁的圣娣初中毕业后回到了大青村。这个穷山沟里的女孩历来没有读书识字的权利,她成了全村唯一的“女秀才”。次年元月,她被推选当上了村妇代会主任兼团支部书记。就在这个时候,全国妇联等单位联合发出号召,在全国各族农村妇女中开展“学文化、学技术、比成绩、比贡献”竞赛活动。为了帮助姐妹们学文化学技术,提高她们的素质,改变她们的地位,圣娣下定决心,在村里自费办一所妇女扫盲夜校。 自费办学,谈何容易。生源、教室、课本、黑板、灯光、课桌……一个个问题接踵而至。首先是报名,开学通告贴出一个多星期了,前来报名的只有十来个姑娘,圣娣心里很是纳闷。原来,有些姑娘的父母怕女儿学
Recently, in the “First Prize for Literacy Prize for Men and Women” honored by the nation for the first time, a young woman named “Sheng Sheng Wu,” who founded the “Women’s Literacy Evening School” at their own expenses, Daquan Village, right shui village, Huichang County, was entitled to the title. This honor, for only 20-year-old Wusheng Tide, hard-won. July 1988, 18-year-old Shengdi junior high school returned to the village after graduation. The girl in the poor ravine has never had the literacy of reading, and she became the only “female scholar” in the village. January of the following year, she was elected to the village women’s congress director and regiment branch secretary. It was at this time that the All-China Women’s Federation and other units issued a joint call to carry out the competition activities of “learning culture, learning techniques, achievements and contributions” among rural women of all ethnic groups across the country. In order to help sisters learn cultural techniques, improve their qualities and change their status, Shengdi is determined to set up a women’s night literacy evening at her own expense in the village. At your own expense, easier said than done. Students, classrooms, textbooks, blackboards, lights, desks ... one after another. The first is the application, the opening notice posted more than a week, come to register only a dozen girls, Shengdi heart was wondering. It turned out that some girls parents afraid of girls learn