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在长达十四年的贬谪生涯中,柳子厚的诗歌创作发生了从古体到近体、由长篇到短篇的显著变化;与此相关,永州时期以五、七古为主要载体的独白诗在数量上占据优势地位,而到了诏返、再迁和柳州期,独白诗急剧减少,酬赠诗大量增加,其载体也几乎成为清一色的近体诗,就中尤以七绝、七律为多。考其原因,前期之所以多古体、多独白,盖与子厚贬后不敢、不能与人交往的主客观条件有关,与他内心极度的情感纠葛必欲发泄、而古体诗则是这种发泄和独白方式的最佳载体相关,也与他谪居期内一度希慕陶、谢,自觉地追求古淡诗风有关;而后期之所以多近体、多酬赠,既缘于子厚生存处境和心理态势的变化,缘于其官职提升后交往面的扩大,也缘于诗人近体诗艺的日趋成熟及其诗体喜好的转向。否则,我们很难想象,一位曾在被贬期的前十年全力创作古体诗,并被后人视为可与陶、韦并论的诗人,能在他人生的最后四年中,倾全力创作近体诗,并将七言律、绝提升到如此精纯的高度。 In his fourteen years of derogatory career, Liu Zhihou’s poetic writing took place from archaism to the near body, from long to short, with significant changes. In connection with this, the soliloquy with the main carrier of the Five or Seven Dynasties in Yongzhou The number occupies a dominant position, and to Chao return, then move and Liuzhou, monologue poetry drastically reduced, a substantial increase in pay poetry, the carrier has almost become almost all kinds of close-in poetry, especially in Qijue, Qilu as much. The reason for that, the reason why more pre-Cuban, monologue, cover and sub-devaluation not afraid, can not interact with the subjective and objective conditions, and his innermost feelings of entanglement will vent, while the ancient poetry is the vent And the best carrier of soliloquy, but also related to the ancient poetry style that he admired Tao, Xie and conscientiously pursued during his lifetime. However, The change of the psychological situation is also due to the enlargement of the contact area after the promotion of its official post. It is also due to the maturity of the poet’s near-end poetic art and the shift of his poetic preferences. Otherwise, it is hard for us to imagine that a poet who had authored archaic poems in the first decade of his derogatory period and regarded by later generations as a poet who could discuss Taoism and Wei could spare no efforts during the last four years of his life Creation of close verse, and the seven-character law, must be elevated to such a high degree of purity.