城乡统筹改革背景下,村级公共品的供给关系到城乡基本公共服务均等化目标的实现.随着农村改革的深化,全国各地区的村级公共品供给机制也在不断改善,其中,成都试验区作为领头羊率先在融资渠道和民主机制建设中取得了突破.本文基于对成都试验区部分有代表性村庄和小城镇投资有限公司的调查,剖析这种新型供给机制,并针对不足之处提出对策,以适应村级公共品供给中更新、更高的要求.“,”Urban and Rural Reform,village supply of public goods related to the equalization of basic public services in urban and rural objectives.With the deepening of rural reform,in all regions of village public goods supply system continues to improve,which,as a leader in the first test area of Chengdu in the financing and building of democratic institutions to achieve a breakthrough.This article is based on a representative part of the test area of Chengdu villages and small towns Investment Company survey,analysis of this new supply system,and propose a solution for inadequate to meet the village-level public goods in the newer and higher requirements.