俗话说,众口难调,干烹调这一行确实不容易。若要让那些吃惯珍馐美味的世界各国的元首和政府首脑在饮食上称心满意,更是难上加难。然而,上海新锦江大酒店总厨严惠琴恰恰是专解这类难题的高手。 严惠琴1974年从事烹调工作、迄今已有27个年头。27年来她出色地完成了500多次宴请世界各国领导人的烹调任务。她凭高超的烹调技艺得到了各国贵宾的首肯,如美国总统克林顿、法国总统希拉克、俄罗斯总统叶利饮、英国女王伊丽沙白,日本天皇明仁、以色列总理内塔尼亚胡等。 1992年10月17日,为了完成好上海市领导接待日本天皇的宴请任务,严惠琴精心设计了一份既有传统餐饮特色又匠心独运的菜单。天皇明仁对宴会的菜肴十分满意。这次宴会在日本引起了轰动,日本电视台、新加坡电视台都饶有兴趣地对“天皇菜”作了详尽的报道。至今日本友人还专门组团来“新锦江”寻觅天皇明仁品尝过的菜肴。现在新锦江的“天皇菜”已成为吸引国内外宾客的
As the saying goes, all kinds of difficult to tune, dry cooking this line is not easy. It is even harder for heads of state and government in all countries of the world who are accustomed to their delicacies to enjoy satisfying meals. However, Yan Jinqin, the chef of Shanghai Jin Jiang Hotel, is the master of such problems. Yan Huiqin engaged in cooking in 1974, so far 27 years. Over the past 27 years she has done well over 500 cooking missions for world leaders. She has won the honored guests from all over the world with superb cooking skills. For example, U.S. President Bill Clinton, French President Jacques Chirac, Russian President Yeltsin, Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom, Japanese Emperor Akihito, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and others. On October 17, 1992, Yan Huqin elaborately designed a menu with both traditional and unique dining features in order to fulfill the task entrusted by the leaders of Shanghai Municipality to receiving the Emperor of Japan. Emperor Ming Ren is very satisfied with the banquet dishes. The banquet caused a sensation in Japan, Japan Television, Singapore Television are interested in the “Emperor dish” made a detailed report. So far, Japanese friends have also organized a special delegation to “find new Jinjiang” Ming Emperor Maren tasted dishes. Now the new Jinjiang “Emperor dishes” has become to attract domestic and foreign guests