世上的汤不少,从高贵的燕窝汤、鱼翅汤,到一般的冬瓜连锅汤、榨菜鸡丝汤、十全大补汤等,都没有我少年时吃过的泡菜鱼汤够味、难忘! 我的老家在四川一个偏僻的农村。村前有一条小河,河中尤以鲤鱼居多。每到收谷时节,鱼儿就特别肥美。六十年代,家家生活紧张,连肚皮都填不饱,更不用说什么改善生活了。那时村中的人想解馋,自然就只有靠这条河了。 一天,大人们收割完谷子,早早地完了工,就坐在河边聊天,不知谁大叫了一声:“走,下河捉鱼去!”于是人们纷纷挽起裤子,下了河。我当时人很小,河水较深,于是干脆把衣服脱个精光,跳下河就顺着河边摸了起来。 眼看太阳就要落山,大人们都欢天喜地回家去了,不一会儿就见家家屋顶都冒起了炊烟。只有我还一无所获。正当我感到失望时,前面一处杂草丛生的地方引起了我的注意,我赶紧用双手从下往上摸,当杂草快被托出水面时,杂草突然地动个不停。有大鱼!我马上意识到,并使劲地抱住杂草
A lot of soup from the noble bird’s nest soup, shark’s fin soup, to the general melon with pot soup, pickled chicken soup, Shiquanbutu soup, etc., I did not eat juvenile kimchi fish enough flavor, unforgettable! My hometown is in a remote countryside in Sichuan. A small river in front of the village, especially in the river carp. The fish are particularly rich and beautiful every season of harvest. Sixties, every family life is tight, even the belly is not enough, let alone improve life. At that time, the people in the village wanted to be greedy, and they naturally only depend on this river. One day, adults finished harvesting the millet, completed early work, sitting in the river chatting, I do not know who shouted: “Go, catch the fish go!” So people have rolled up their pants, down the river. At that time, I was very young and had a deep river. So I took off the clothes and went down the river to touch it. Seeing the sun is going downhill, adults are happily go home, and soon see everyone on the roof of a smoke. Only I got nothing. Just as I was disappointed, a spot in front of me was overwhelmed by my weeds, and I hurriedly touched my hands from bottom to top. The weeds suddenly moved when weeds were quickly brought out of the water. There are big fish! I immediately realized it and clutched the weeds hard