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在今年三月全国轻工财务工作会议上,对当前全国轻工业系统的财务工作,总结了五条经验,提出了六项要求,概括起来,有以下几点.全国轻工系统增收节支的潜力很大在党中央提出的凋整、改革、整顿、提高和大力发展消费品生产的方针指引下,轻工业生产连续三年大幅度增长.按财务口径统计,1982年完成工业总产值比1981年增长7.68%.超过了国家计划要求.全国46,882个轻工业企业(缺西藏自治区),1982年为国家提供利税比1981年增长3.57%.在生产增长的同时,产品质量稳定提高,新产品、新品种、新花色大量涌现,丰富了市场供应,更好地满足了广大人民日益增长的物质和文化生活需要,形势喜人. At the National Light Industry Finance Work Conference in March this year, we summed up the five experiences and proposed six requirements for the current financial work of the national light industry system. To sum up, there are the following points: The potential for increasing income and reducing expenditure in the national light industry system is very high In light of the guidelines set forth by the Party Central Committee for rectifying, reforming, reorganizing, improving and vigorously developing consumer product production, light industrial production has risen substantially for three consecutive years. According to financial statistics, the total industrial output value in 1982 was 7.68% more than in 1981, Over the requirements of the state plan, 46,882 light industrial enterprises in the whole country (lack of Tibet Autonomous Region) provided profits and taxes to the country in 1982 by 3.57% compared with 1981. Along with the growth of production, product quality improved steadily, while new products, new varieties and new colors The emergence of a large number has enriched the market supply and better satisfied the growing material and cultural needs of the general public. The situation is gratifying.
根据国务院的要求,各地税务部门积极组织力量,认真开展税收大检查,已初步取得成果。各省、市、自治区领导对这次税收大检查都很重视,不少省以人民政府名义发出通知, Accord
为振兴林业,有效地制止乱砍滥伐林木, 毁林开荒和严防山林火灾的发生,凌云县护林防火指挥部、林业局与检察院、公安局协商, 采取签订护林承包合同的办法进行护林,收到了一定
戊菊醋是拟除虫菊酯类新农药,又名多虫畏、中西除虫菊酯、戊酸醚酯、S—5439,研制时代号为 K—9701,系我省轻化工业研究所和新干化工厂研制的。戊菊酯以触杀作用为主,并具有
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