Conventional logging technology, as a commonly used logging tool in the oil industry, not only can not provide high-precision parameters, but also provides a great difference in vertical resolution. Therefore, the oil recovery industry in order to improve oil production efficiency, the introduction of a large number of oilfield development of high technology. As one of the advanced technologies introduced by the oil recovery industry to improve oil production efficiency, the thin-layer resistivity (TBRt) logging technology can analyze the permeability of reservoirs and can promote the experimental study of cores. It can evaluate heterogeneous sand layers and can indicate Thin interbedded movable hydrocarbons, the ability to calculate the thickness of sand bodies in the sand, the ability to divide thin interbeds, and the ability to evaluate and analyze gray matter intercalations, have far exceeded conventional logging techniques and have provided greater benefits to oil development logging. This paper mainly describes the composition, working principle and application of the thin-layer resistivity logging technology.