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本文主要探讨第二次世界大战以后美国政府对日媾和政策的演变与日本政府的媾和对策,揭示战后美日关系基本形态出现的必然性。作者认为,美国政府的对日媾和政策呈现出从主张全面媾和、日本非军事化和中立化转向单独媾和、允许日本有限重整军备、参加美国亚洲太平洋安全保障体系的变化趋势。美国国家安全委员会第13/2文件标志着美国对日媾和政策的战略性转变;美国国家安全委员会第60/1文件确定了《旧金山对日和约》的基本框架。在1947年以前,日本的媾和对策研究是以经济重建、安全保障问题为中心的,提出了建设和平的外向型工业国、拥有防御性军备、由远东委员会成员国建立地区性安全保障体系的构想。此后,则完全转向安全保障问题的研究。芦田均首次将日本的安全保障与美苏关系发展趋势联系起来;吉田茂主动选择了“对美协调”的道路。日本政府的如斯选择,其国际条件是美国推行亚洲遏制战略,转变对日占领与媾和政策,其国内条件是日本社会党的“全面媾和”论与吉田茂路线相反相承,无力引导国民作出新的选择。美日关系的发展方向失去了敌对性,转而成为战略盟友,对亚洲国际政治经济关系格局的变化产生了重大的影响。 This article mainly explores the evolution of the Japanese government and policy by the U.S. government after the Second World War and the Japanese government’s counter-measures and reveals the inevitability of the appearance of the basic form of post-war US-Japan relations. The author believes that the U.S. government’s policy toward Japan and its policies are showing a tendency of changing from advocating comprehensive peace, Japan’s demilitarization and neutralization toward independence, allowing Japan to re-readjust its arms stock and participating in the Asian-Pacific Security Assurance System in the United States. US National Security Council Document 13/2 marks a strategic shift in U.S. sunday and policy; the U.S. National Security Council Document 60/1 identifies the basic framework for the San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan. Prior to 1947, Japan’s policy on cybercaps and countermeasures centered on the issue of economic reconstruction and security and proposed the idea of ​​building a peaceful export-oriented industrialized country with a defensive armament and establishing a regional security system by Far East Council members. Since then, completely shifted to the study of security assurances. For the first time, Ashida has linked Japan’s security with the development trend of U.S.-Soviet relations; Yoshida has taken the initiative in choosing the path of “coordination with the United States.” The reason for the Japanese government’s choice is that its international conditions are that the United States implement the Asian containment strategy and change its occupation and ralter policy toward Japan. Its domestic conditions are that the “comprehensive and peaceful” theory of the Japanese Socialist Party is the opposite of Yoshida’s line and is unable to guide the nationals Make a new choice. The development direction of the U.S.-Japan relations has lost its hostility and turned to be a strategic ally, which has had a significant impact on the changes in the international political and economic relations in Asia.
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